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Frequently asked questions.

What makes the Prestige Frame unique?

What is the certificate of authenticity?

Is the frame only for collectors?

What materials are used for this frame ?

Why is the frame numbered?

Does the design vary from one frame to another?

Is the frame designed for all types of cycling?

What makes the Prestige Frame unique?

What is the certificate of authenticity?

Is the frame only for collectors?

What materials are used for this frame ?

Why is the frame numbered?

Does the design vary from one frame to another?

Is the frame designed for all types of cycling?

What makes the Prestige Frame unique?

What is the certificate of authenticity?

Is the frame only for collectors?

What materials are used for this frame ?

Why is the frame numbered?

Does the design vary from one frame to another?

Is the frame designed for all types of cycling?